
MagnAm + BE

26,57 95,17 

A horse can be nervous e.g. during transport and also before competitions. Especially after a tough performance, the muscles may require recovery and the horse's salt balance may also be out of balance.

Criollo MagnAm+BE is very effective, because vitamins B1, B6 and niacin (B3) are very important for the well-being of the muscles. Vitamins A and C, which are important for general health, are also included; Vitamin C is needed for the functioning of other vitamins.

In particular, the amino acid tryptophan and vitamin B12 together with vitamin E have a calming effect. Also contains the amino acid lysine. Amino acids help with the absorption of magnesium.

Active ingredients /kg:

magnesium 125.000 mg

tryptophan 50.000 mg

lysine 40.000 mg

vitamin A 5.000 IE

vitamin E 160.000 mg

vitamin C 14.000 mg

vitamin B1 5.000 mg

vitamin B6 3.500 mg

vitamin B12 250 mg

niacin 6.000 mg

Given in courses if needed

Mixed with feed, horse (500 kg), measure 14 g, dosage 1 – 1½ measures per day.

If necessary, the dose can be doubled.

Suitable in small doses also for everyday use if necessary.