
Collagen UC-II®

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Criollo Collagen sisältää kollageeni UC-II®:ta, kurkumaa, MSM:ää (metyylisulfonyylimetaani), ruusunmarjaa ja hyaluronihappoa (yli 90 %:sta) – eikä mitään täyteaineita ! ! !

Ainut KOTIMAINEN kollageeni UC-II®:ta sisältävä nivelravinne hevosille! Tehokkuutta nivelten hyvinvointiin!!!
Criollo Collagen on täydennysrehu hevosille rustojen ja nivelten toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen ja hyvinvointiin.

• Turmeric 430,000 mg/ kg
• MSM (methylsulfonyl methane) 430,000 mg/ kg
• Rosehip 103,000 mg/ kg
• UCII (undenatured collagen type II) 32,000 mg/ kg
• HA (hyaluronic acid) over 90% 5,000 mg/kg

Instructions for use: dosage daily, mixed with feed, horse (500 kg), measure 10 g ~ 15 ml
The first 3 months 1½ measures
Maintenance 1 measure/day

Not recommended for pregnant and lactating horses.

Criollo Collagen ingredients/ daily dose, 1½ measures:

  • Turmeric 6450 mg
  • MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) 6450 mg
  • Rosehio 1545 mg
  • UC-II (undenatured collagen type II) 480 mg
  • HA (hyaluronic acid) over 90 % 75 mg

UC-II® (InterHealth Nutraceuticals)  is a new proprietary ingredient – ​​undenatured (the collagen has not been heated or treated with chemicals) type II collagen derived from chicken sternum cartilage, which allows for the development of smaller dosage forms. UC-II® is supported by four published clinical studies examining joint comfort, mobility and flexibility. UC-II® is sourced and manufactured in the USA in an NSF certified GMP facility. It is both NDI (FDA Notified and Released New Nutrients) and GRAS (generally recognized as safe) – it is safe to use with rare or mild side effects and non-GMO (non-genetically modified). After its initial research, InterHealth has continued systematic scientific support around this ingredient. The effectiveness, safety and quality of UC-II® have been carefully studied.


Turmeric's rhizome contains curcuminoids, which give the rhizome its color and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also rich in essential oil. Researchers have shown that curcuminoids can effectively control inflammation, which supports the use of turmeric in folk medicine for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, eczema (rash), asthma, psoriasis and other inflammatory diseases. Turmeric Curcumin has been used e.g. in the treatment of joint diseases. Turmeric affects inflammation like cortisone, it is called "natural cortisone" and it helps with pain.

MSM (methylsulfonyl methane or organic sulfur) is a naturally occurring sulfur compound for maintaining the natural functioning of muscles and joints and for well-being. Sulfur is an essential part of producing good and healthy cells. It occurs in small amounts in the body. MSM makes the cell walls more permeable, allowing water and nutrients to flow freely into the cells and waste materials and toxins out of the cells. The body's building materials, amino acids, are sulfur binders and play an important part in the production of hormones and enzymes that regulate body functions.

MSM maintains joint mobility and supports many structures (their flexibility) and functions in the body, e.g. connective tissues, heart, blood vessels and the body's energy production, effectively relieves inflammation, also helps with allergies, asthma treatment and indigestion, relieves muscle soreness and accelerates the healing of muscle injuries, promotes the health of the skin and coat.

Rosehip is effective for maintaining joint function and well-being, good for the stomach, skin and hair, a real health bomb: lots of vitamins C and E and fiber. Rosehip is used effectively to maintain joint function and well-being. Rosehip is a great addition to the diet, especially for dogs under heavy stress and for old dogs. The active substance is rosehip galactolipid. Rosehip contains a considerable amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C improves collagen production.

Rosehip contains, e.g. bioflavonoids, antioxidants, amino acids, glucose, beta-carotene, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, omega-3 acids, fluoride, vitamins A, K, D, B6, etc. Rosehip also contains pectin, which is a soluble fiber and promotes bowel function by lubricating it. In addition, rosehip sorbitol prevents hyperacidity of the stomach and increases salivation.

Cartilage tissue and synovial fluid contain a particularly large amount of hyaluronic acid, which absorbs water and thus gains elasticity and is important for the viscous and elastic properties of synovial fluid. Hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricating and shock-absorbing substance in normal joints and softens the impacts on the joints. Hyaluronic acid is a normal component of synovial fluid, the amount of which decreases in inflammation. Hyaluronic acid lubricates the joint, maintains normal fluid balance, restores its function to normal and improves joint mobility. Hyaluronic acid is also an important building block of cartilage tissue.