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Many horses have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer by current examinations. Stomach acids corrode the stomach wall; various stressful and competitive situations increase this and also if the horse eats poorly and the stomach is empty for a long time.

Criollo GastroMix is ​​a supplementary feed for horses to maintain stomach function and well-being; slows down the acid secretion of the stomach and maintains the normal functioning of the stomach, especially in stressful situations, works especially as a support for gastric ulcer problems and other problems of the horse's stomach.

GastroMix does't contain any fillers, no doping caution period.

GastroMix contains brewer's yeast, rosehip, lecithin, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), turmeric, yucca and sea buckthorn.

Instructions for use:

Dosing if necessary daily divided into two parts, preferably mixed with moistened feed, horse (500 kg) 2 dl/ day.

Not recommended for pregnant mares.

Brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)facilitates digestion, limits harmful changes in the horse's digestion. By adding yeast to the feed of a horse fed with highly starchy feed, the decrease in intestinal pH and the fluctuation of lactic acid content can be reduced. With the help of yeast, the horse tolerates starchy feeding better without developing a nutritional disorder in its system, because the yeast uses part of the starch for its own growth; yeast reduces stomach aches. Adding yeast to the horse's feed reduces the number of aerobic bacteria, a high number of these bacteria has been associated with disorders of the digestive tract.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast has been found to stimulate and balance the growth of microbes in the rest of the intestine (caecum and colon) and promote fiber breakdown. In terms of a horse's digestion, the well-being of the microbiota is important; without a microbiome, the horse could not use the substances of the plant's cell wall for food. In addition, the microbiome protects the body, releases microbial protein for use by the horse when it dies, and produces B group vitamins and vitamins C and K and increases immunity.

It is good to add yeast to the feed, since it improves the digestibility of the fiber. It is believed that the yeast facilitates the digestion of fibers and stimulates the growth of bacteria, thereby increasing the breakdown of feed. Yeast also improves the digestibility of protein and increases the absorption of nutrients (e.g. calcium and phosphorus).


Rosehip is the vitamin C richest of all berries (1000 – 3000 mg/ 100 g) and it also has a lot of vitamin E. Rosehip contains e.g. bioflavonoids, antioxidants, amino acids, glucose, beta-carotene, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, Omega-3 fatty acids, fluoride, vitamins A, K, D, B6, etc.

Rosehip also contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber and promotes intestinal function by lubricating it and balancing the protective mucus layer. In addition to this, pectin stabilizes the protective stomach lining and raises the pH value of the stomach.

Rosehip pectin, like other soluble plant fibers, is also known to have a mild cholesterol-lowering effect. Today, rosehip has been found to lower blood cholesterol levels, increase bile secretion and strengthen the liver. The essential oils of roses are anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial and improve tissue regeneration and increase bile. In addition, rosehip sorbitol prevents hyperacidity of the stomach and increases salivation.

The cohesive property of pectin and lecithin (thick and protective gel) helps the fibers (Laminaria and Ispaghul) adhere to the mucous membrane. In tests, it has been possible to demonstrate accelerated healing of ulcers when feeding pectin and lecithin. Pectin and lecithin protect a stressed stomach.


Lecithin contains a lot of phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acid, also known as Omega-3 and Omega-6). These fats are very important for cell function. Lecithin is also a valuable supplement for reducing stress. Lecithin is also excellent for horses exposed to or suffering from stomach ulcers, as it neutralizes stomach acids. Lecithin strengthens the hydrophobic (water-repellent) surface layer of the intestine; lecithin protects the stomach lining.


MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), organic sulfur is an essential part of producing good and healthy cells. It occurs in small amounts in the body. MSM supports many functions in the body, e.g. energy production of connective tissues, heart, blood vessels and body, helps with digestive disorders.

MSM can improve many wellness-related conditions, such as digestive and stomach problems, as well as problems related to blood circulation and cellular respiration and nutrient absorption.

A stomach ulcer can also get worse due to a deficiency of MSM. A stomach ulcer caused by hyperacidity can be prevented with a supplement containing MSM. An antacid masks the symptoms but does nothing to solve the problem. MSM fixes the cause of the problem.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) plays a healing role in digestive problems, cell well-being, antioxidant protection, intestinal problems and increasing energy levels.


Kurkuman juurakossa on kurkuminoideja. Kurkumassa on myös runsaasti eteeristä öljyä. Yksi merkittävistä käyttökohteista on myös erilaiset vatsavaivat. Kurkuma onkin saanut nimen ”luonnonkortisoni”.

Kurkumasta on apua ruokahaluttomuuteen, ruuansulatushäiriöihin ja vatsan liikahappoisuuteen. Kurkuma stimuloi ruuansulatusnesteiden eritystä ja auttaa kaikkiin vatsavaivoihin, se myös vähentää kaasun muodostumista suolistossa.


Yucca helps maintain the optimal pH value of the intestines in the digestive tract; the reduction of acidity has been found to contribute to health and vitality. Yucca increases energy levels by releasing glucose in the liver, which helps maintain the endurance required for exercise. Yucca helps to improve digestion and enables better absorption due to the acceleration of microbial activity in the intestines.

The saponins contained in yucca stimulate cell-mediated immunity and the formation of antibodies, enhancing local immunity. It has also been found to increase the effectiveness of food.


Sea buckthorn berries are exceptionally rich in flavonoids, Omega oils and vitamins. Sea buckthorn's flavonols are quercetin, myricetin, isorhamnetin and kaempferol, which affect e.g. the improvement of heart and liver function and the immune response. The most flavonoids are found in the skin of the sea buckthorn and just below it.

Sea buckthorn has a strengthening, astringent and antiseptic effect on mucous membranes. Its sea buckthorn oil is good for the skin, mucous membranes, heart, blood vessels, circulation and the body's defense system. Sea buckthorn contains fibers that support bowel function. Sea buckthorn contains plenty of highly effective antioxidants that destroy the most common free radical that causes inflammation and damages the heart muscle, kidneys, intestines and pancreas. The vitamins, pectin and substance compounds contained in sea buckthorn have a favorable effect on digestive diseases and stomach ulcers.

The oil content of sea buckthorn pulp varies between 4-7%. No other berry has such a high oil content. Vitamin E and cartenoid-rich palmettoline and linoleic oils are very favorable for fat metabolism. More than 90% of the fatty acids contained in sea buckthorn are so-called essential Omega 3 fatty acids, which must be obtained daily. Sea buckthorn seeds and pulp contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have beneficial health effects such as healing inflammation. Sea buckthorn oils have a favorable effect on the structure of mucous membranes. In the berry, you get these fatty acids internally and they protect the whole body.

Sea buckthorn is extremely rich in vitamins; e.g.  Vitamins C, E and B, as well as beta-carotene in very high concentrations. Sea buckthorn is a well-known source of health and well-being. Vitamin C promotes normal immune function, helps reduce fatigue and protects cells from oxidative stress. The very high vitamin E and flavonoid content make sea buckthorn an effective aid in supporting the immune system. Many other substances contained in the berry also promote the absorption of active substances. Vitamin C and flavonoids work better together than separately, as do vitamin C and E together and vitamin E and beta-carotene together.