Already at the beginning of 2010, we came up with our slogan FOR YOUR HORSE'S WELL-BEING, when we started producing Criollohorse feeds and supplements and that slogan has been the foundation of our operations. We are a small family owned company in Lappeenranta, South-Carelia, and we have produced Criollohorse feeds and supplements since the beginning of 2010. Criollo is a registered trademark and our love of horses got us to develop products that fulfill the dietary needs of a horse efficiently and easily - that's how Criollohorse feeds and supplements came to be.

Yli 50 vuoden hevoskokemuksemme perusteella olemme todenneet, että yksinkertainen ruokinta on myös edullinen, kun tuotteet ovat laadukkaat, eikä hevoselle syötetä mitään turhaa purkeista ja purnukoista.

Criollo feeds and supplements gives your horse comfort in it's life and you also feel comfortable being and playing sports with your healthy horse. Our motto: First take care of your horse's health and after the problems!

CRIOLLO – a pioneer in feeding

Criollo feeds are made with premium ingredients that guarantee the quality of the products. Criollo feeds is designed for the demanding conditions of Finland for all kinds of horses and ponies and they have the best concentrations on the market – compare!

The carefully designed oat-free Criollo Top supplementary feed in addition to oats and the POPULAR oat-free Criollo Full complete feed contain ALL the minerals, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids a horse needs in the right proportion. The idea for the feeds started when there really wasn't any feed on the market in Finland that had EVERYTHING a horse needs.

Other Criollo feeds include:

Criollo Light, grain-free, very low starch and sugar complete feed: starch 6,0 and sugar 4,2! Criollo Light is particularly suitable for horses with muscle problems, stomach ulcers, hoof fever-sensitive horses and horses with metabolic syndrome, Cushing's syndrome and PSSM. Perfect for native breeds!

Criollo Mash,  oat-free muesli feed for race and hobby horses especially for recovery after performance and for a sensitive stomach! Criollo Mash has a low starch and sugar content.

Criollofeeds are the first feeds on the market, which have included e.g. flaxseed meal and live yeast from the start!  

Criollo – original!

Criollo supplements are Finnish Key Flag products! They are produced in Lappeenranta in premises approved by the Food Agency. Finnish Criollo supplements have tried to be as natural as possible and they are important for your horse's well-being if or when your horse has possible health problems. With these supplements in addition to Criollo sack feeds your horse gets happiness and comfort in it's life – all you need. With Criollo products we can say: Quality over quantity! In Criollo supplements we use premium ingredients, e.g. all joint supplements are made of food grade and Criollo joint supplements don't have any filler ingredients.

Criollo -rehut ja -lisäravinteet ovat olleet markkinoilla jo vuodesta 2010 ja saaneet todella paljon positiivista palautetta käyttäjiltä! Pyrimme vastaamaan tuotteissamme asiakkaidemme toivomuksiin, mutta pitämään tuotteet kuitenkin mahdollisimman luonnonmukaisina.

Where does Criollo come from?

Bella-hevosen naama

Criollo” is self-designed from the logo; the labels, brochures and also the sacks are self-designed. In this way, the products were imprinted with our own hand from the beginning. Even the horse whose image has been used since the beginning in Criollo pruducts is our own Maxi's Maybell (photograph: Tarja Ruotsalainen).

Where does "Criollo" come from? It is a South American, tenacious, small and intelligent horse breed - like our company, a small and tenacious family business. Also Criollo is a a type of cocoa bean from which chocolate is made, which in turn takes everyone to the extremity of wonderful taste pleasures – like our Criollo feeds take your horse!

The entrepreneurs' own horse hobby

Eija Eklund-Miettinen, Maxi and Mira Miettinen in riding suits and Markku Miettinen. Photograph: Kikka Sissala-Hallikas

Eija on harrastanut hevosia koko ikänsä; setällä oli suomenhevonen, jolla ensimmäistä kertaa pääsi ratsastamaan kolmen vanhana ja ajamaan kärreillä jo neljän vanhana; käynyt pienestä pitäen talleilla ja siitä sitten ratsastuksen pariin ja nyt useamman vuosikymmenen ravipuolella. Montén Suomen mestaruus vuonna 1991 omalla kasvatillaan Falcon Jet on Eijan ikimuistoisin saavutus n. 400 ajamastaan startista. Nyt kilpaa-ajaminen on jäänyt ja ravivalmennus vie enimmän harrastusajan. Eija perusti Suomen Monté-ohjastajat ry:n v. 1990 ja toimi useita vuosia yhdistyksen puheenjohtajana.

With Eija's enthusiasm, her husband Markku is also interested in horses and has also guided a couple of hundred starts.

Lapset Maxi ja Mira ajoivat nuorempana poneilla useamman vuoden, Mira myös montea. 

As Maxi got excited about the strongest horsepower (motorsport), Mira has continued her trotting hobby in Monte, where she races mostly with her own horses.

Mira Miettinen and Amon-Ra
Photograph: Iina Ahtiainen